Day 7

Toda wwhen we got up we ate an ordernary breakfast on the hotel. We were going to see the match between New England Patriots and Chicago Bears. We took the subway to Wembley. The players were very agressive, it did nearly look like they were killing each other but it was entertaining. New England Patriots won the match. When the match was over we took the subway to Buckingham Palace. We saw Elisabeth 2. She was very strange and old and looked scary. It was so boring that we went home.
When we came home to the hotel we spend the night on a club. The bartender were very skilled, he threw the bottles in the air and filled our glasses. When we woke up the next day we didn´t remember a thing. We just packed our bags and went to the airport and went home to Sweden

Day 7

Day 6!

Today we went up quite early and took the subway to Burger King. We paid with discount coupons so we got the breakfast for free. Kasper ordered the same food like yesterday, Viktor ordered a glass of water and I ordered three icecreams.
Then we took the subway to oxford circus and went in to the nike store. In there stood Zlatan Ibrahimovic and signed autographs to the people who wanted. Me and Viktor each bought a nike football and Kasper bought a grey sweatband.
We took a double-decker home. At home we ate on a very expensive restaurang, we had to pay 493£. With no money in our wallets we went to bed. Good night.

Day 5!

¨Today we are going to se the rematch between Arsenal and Chelsea. But first are we going to eat some breakfast on Mcdonalds. Kasper ordered a mcflurry and a coke. Viktor ordered the little menu and I ordered FBK målet. It was a nice breakfast.

After the brakfast we went to the Emirates museum. We saw old Arsenal stars, records and the history of arsenal.

The match ended 5-4 to Arsenal. It was a wild match. Many tackles, yellow and some red cards.

After the match we was tired and we get to bed. GOOD NIGHT!!!!

FUCKING COMPUTER some text is dissapeared!!!!

Day 5!


Day 4!

Today is a new day! It is very nice weather and the birds are chirping. This day are a shopping day. We are going to Oxford Street without Walle, he is sick.
We went on the Oxford street and look at the stores, we bought a couple of things on the Nike store. Then we went to Hamleys, the store was very big and toys everywhere.
On the evening we ate on pizza hut, it was very nice!

Day 3!

Today we are going to madame tussaud in the middle of London. In there it is famous people made by wax. It looks like they are alive, it is really scary. We liked the Usain Bolt wax figure most of all. He maked his famous victory gesture. Then we walked in the Hyde park. We saw loads of squirrels, they were very cute and fast. Kasper feeded them with bread. We also saw some bird and a angry women with a dog. The dog barked at a man.
We went to a restuarang and ate some great food. At the way home we bought some strawberry ice ceam. The clock had become very late so we went to hotel and just chilled out the rest of the day.

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