Day 6!

Today we went up quite early and took the subway to Burger King. We paid with discount coupons so we got the breakfast for free. Kasper ordered the same food like yesterday, Viktor ordered a glass of water and I ordered three icecreams.
Then we took the subway to oxford circus and went in to the nike store. In there stood Zlatan Ibrahimovic and signed autographs to the people who wanted. Me and Viktor each bought a nike football and Kasper bought a grey sweatband.
We took a double-decker home. At home we ate on a very expensive restaurang, we had to pay 493£. With no money in our wallets we went to bed. Good night.

Postat av: Karin & Nellie

How was it to meet Zlatan? :)

2013-02-15 @ 13:53:30

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